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Picsou at Angouleme

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    Picsou at Angouleme
    Mercoledì 2 Feb 2005, 10:28:37
    It's was a funny trip. When Don Rosa arrived in Paris airport on thursday, he could not get any train so he travelled in a fan's car (Picsou-man's who was almost the only one to go to the airport). Don Rosa was sleeping, and it took them 1 hour to find out his car at the airport, and Don Rosa and her wife were a bit tired. They went to Picsou-man's house, who then used her wife's (better) car. Picsou-man had a problem with the first one that he rent because the police earlier had found dr ug (ma rig uana) inside it but he knew nothing about that (... !!). They travelled the entire night (I wasn't here) and had a dinner with Angouleme's main organizator, the Finnish and French editors, and Cavazzano. The woman who was Don's translator had troubles handling Don Rosa!
    There were people from Hachette the French publisher, Pascal Pierrey, A. Hillmarcher and others.
    On friday we visited the Picsou exposition (I met other French fans there). Don did a drawing together with Zep. The exhibition was good (you could steal duckburg money bills and coins and there was a policeman to guard the number one dime), but in his entire trip, Don Rosa told me he did not have a chance to look at it.
    The afternoon, he and Cavazzano did a conference, that we attended. I went with Luca Boschi and had a couple of hours with Cavazzano (I asked him about the Super Picsou geant covers and various things for inducks). I met Fabrizio Petrossi also, who work for Disney Europe, and Roberto Santillo, the "head" of Acaddemia Disney, and a writer. I spoke in Italian with them, although it was not easy. We discussed things about how dead are some Italian comic characters compared to French ones and the success of Titeuf in France that doesn't seem to take in Italy.
    On evening, we went to several disco-fiesta. Luckily Picsouman had made an organizator pass, and tchatched to get in in most parties saying he was a kind of VIP. One time the person at the entrance told him "it's my party, I invite only those I want". Then he asked Picsouman "do you know me", he said "no" and then he said "ok you can enter" :)
    We went to various other places until very late. Every drink was free, and at the end, some people were badly drunk.
    Then I came back to sleep at an inhabitant's place. It was at a girl's home 10 km from Angouleme, but when I entered in the dark, I could not find any bed (matelas) so I just slept on the floor and got waked up by a couple in the other room all night (I mean morning). The girl was nice, she gave me apples to eat as a recomfort because I had no bed. On saturday, I met Xavier and Gilles G. two other French indexers. I tried to phone Luca but it never worked so I could not join him again :-((
    Don Rosa later told me he was in the cocagne far from Angoueleme this day with the rest of the Angouleme organizators/editors, and due to wrong organization, he could not go to the fan autograph session :-( people were a bit upset, that's bad. (There were so many people at one time, we were asked to help transporting water for the children). I was told later that the Picsou exhibit was number 1 of all Angouleme's exhibits! it was a huge success, so huge that it's possible that there could be a Picsou #2 in Angouleme.
    This week, I shall also go to Hachette to get some information about Disney material for inducks.
    Don then went to Paris, and spent a couple of days here. I've bring him and her wife at the very good balzar restaurant near Saint Michel with a couple of fans yesterday evening. It was a child's dream. He did four fantastic drawing with colors and all to all of us (Picsouman, me, Xavier and Pascal, another fan), two about the Picsou life of Scrooge, one normal Scrooge, and one Donald Duck. Mine is at:
    (my first name is Francois). Amazingly, he even inked on Pascal's pencils! he was quite an attraction in the restaurant.
    Was really unforgatable! ......

    PS, Barko: looked for you (I mean, I looked for someone speaking Italian...) when I was at the Picsou exhibit but didn't know you wouldn't come. That's bad!


    Cugino di Alf

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      Re: Picsou at Angouleme
      Risposta #1: Mercoledì 2 Feb 2005, 11:13:10
      Thanks for the report!
      But...no comment (too envy!  ;) )



      Giovane Marmotta

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        Re: Picsou at Angouleme
        Risposta #2: Lunedì 7 Feb 2005, 10:28:57
        Thanks lerichard for your report! Very funny and detailed. It was a pleasure to read both this and the one you posted on DCML list. It made me even more regret the chance I missed!
        Thanks to Don Rosa too for his super report on the festival, that we could read this morning on the DCML list.
        He made clear that Angouleme 2005 main attraction was the Picsou exhibit!

        « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 7 Feb 2005, 10:32:26 da barko »


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