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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1470: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 12:09:15
    So, that's all, a big greeting by a great fan of yours: F. Montalbano, whose stage name (Ndt: come altro si può tradurre "in arte"?? :-/) is PdP93.

    Beh, nome d'arte è stage name, come hai detto tu, se è una persona di spettacolo (attori, performers...) oppure screen name, se è un attore o anche un altro professionista del cinema.
    Il nome d'arte di uno scrittore o simili (forse è questo il caso) è pen name oppure nom de plume. Hope this helps :)
    « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 12:15:30 da ZioPaperone »


    Brigitta MacBridge
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1471: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 12:57:27
      My father collected a large amount of comics, expecially Disney ones, so since I was born I had in my hands comics of all the american and italian authors. And I grew up thinking that ducks and mice were as alive and real as the other persons I know... real in their having a house, work problems, love feelings... and also in their being, definitely, ducks and mice ;)
      I had a similar experience (well, the comics were my brother's, but it's essentially the same). I had the opportunity to read both American and Italian Disney comics as a child, and somehow I grew with a mixture of the two positions. Basically, for me it's no problem to consider $crooge an human being, a duck, a man of the '50es, a man living in our time, an actor in a comedy, or anything else, varying from story to story (I even appreciate parodies in which he plays the role of a 14th century character, for instance), as long as the story is well written, drawn, entertaining and "reasonably" consistent (don't ask me to define what isd reasonable and what is not: I don't know, it's a matter of feeling). But as Don said, it's probably a matter of "imprinting" ;)

      Io ho avuto una esperienza simile (beh, i fumetti erano di mio fratello, ma sostanzialmente è la stessa cosa). Ho avuto modo di leggere fumetti americani e italiani da bambina, e in un certo senso sono cresciuta con un misto delle due posizioni. Sostanzialmente, per me non è un problema considerare Paperone come un essere umano, un papero, un uomo degli anni '50, un uomo che vive ai giorni nostri, un attore in una commedia, o altro, a seconda della storia (mi piacciono anche le parodie in cui interpreta il ruolo di un personaggio del 14esimo secolo, per esempio), almeno finché la storia è ben scritta, disegnata, divertente e "ragionevolmente" coerente (non chiedetemi di definire cosa è ragionevole e cosa no: non lo so, è una cosa che va a sentimento). Ma come ha detto Don, probabilmente dipende dall'"imprinting"
      I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

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      Imperatore della Calidornia

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        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1472: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 13:04:45
        We call the Bassett hound... ahem.. just bassett hound
        We Italians are so original! ::) My English/French/Spanish profs always point out that while other languages have their own words to translate English ones, Italian has not such a "fantasy", using the same words English uses.

        So... $crooge & Donald were as ALIVE to me as my parents or sister were! And I *never* thought they were supposed to be birds.
        Neither I; I simply never thought about that. I mean, they have a life, they have a work and so on... but I never asked myself on if they were ducks or people. They are themselves. An I like them that way, as you like them as humans. And, as you properly said (and you definitively hit the point, this should mark an end on this matter), everyone should have his personal relationship with them.
        So, as they are "just" themselves, I don't bother if they're living in 2009 or in 1950, I just enjoy their stories, theirs strips, without asking me in which year they're living their adventures.
        And even so, as I wrote many time in the forum, I like very much your stories, because they deeply touch me, every time I read them. (The first one I discovered, at the age of 12, was the magnificent Life and Times of $crooge, which I loved and re-read very much times, every time wondering on what $crooge was thinking and feeling.)

        For example: let's say there was a story where (for some crazy reason) Donald was in a situation where he needed a FEATHER to save his life. He'd be lost! Because I could not conceive of him pulling a feather off himself any more than I could.
        It occurred in some Italian stories... ::) the one I remeber is that one, where he needed some feathers to "repair" a pillow. Even if, in that case, Huey pulled it off Donald, who immediately told him off and gave him a feather duster to pull them off. It's more or less the same concept expressed by Barks in "The Gilded Man", that you reported some posts ago.

        Traduco per chi non mastica bene l'inglese: ;)

        Noi italiani siamo così orignali! I miei prof inglesi/francesi/spagnoli mettono sempre in evidenza il fatto che mentre le altre lingue hanno le parole nella loro lingua per tradurre quelle inglesi, in italiano non abbiamo tutta questa "fantasia", visto che usiamo le stesse parole inglesi.

        Neanch'io; semplicemente non ci ho mai pensato. Voglio dire, loro hanno una vita, hano un lavoro e così via... ma non mi sono mai chiesta se fossero paperi o persone. Sono loro stessi. E mi piacciono in questo modo, così come a te piace vederli come umani. E, come giustamente hai detto (hai definitivamente centrato il concetto, questo dovrebbe bastare per porre fine a questo discorso), chiunque dovrebbe avere il suo rapporto personale con loro.
        Quindi, visto che sono "semplicemente" loro stessi, non mi interessa se vivono nel 2009 o nel 1950, semplicemente adoro le loro storie,le loro strisce, senza chiedermi in quale anno stiano vivendo le loro avventure.
        E, nonostante questo, come ho scritto diverse volte nel forum, le tue storie mi piacciono molto, perchè mi commuovono profondamente ogni volta che le leggo. (La prima che ho scoperto, a 12 anni, è stata la spettacolare $aga di Paperone, che ho adorato e riletto moltissime volte, ogni olta chiedendomi cosa pensasse o provasse Paperone).

        In qualche storia italiana è successo... quella che ricordo è questa, dove Paperino ha bisogno di alcune piume pr "riparare" un cuscino. Anche se, in questo caso, Qui la toglie da Paperino, che immediatamente lo rimprovera e gli da un piumino da cui tirarle via. E' più o meno lo stesso concetto espresso da Barks in "Paperino contro l'uomo d'oro", che hai citato qualche post fa.


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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1473: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 13:11:11

          Beh, nome d'arte è stage name, come hai detto tu, se è una persona di spettacolo (attori, performers...) oppure screen name, se è un attore o anche un altro professionista del cinema.
          Il nome d'arte di uno scrittore o simili (forse è questo il caso) è pen name oppure nom de plume. Hope this helps :)
          Thanks, I think pen name is better...


          Imperatore della Calidornia

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            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1474: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 14:06:30
            We Italians are so original! ::) My English/French/Spanish profs always point out that while other languages have their own words to translate English ones, Italian has not such a "fantasy", using the same words English uses.
            Yes, but there are some excellent exceptions, like Mickey Mouse & co... ::)

            ... I would even prefer "Michelino Topolino", a sort of compromise. :P

            Sì, ma ci sono delle eccezioni eccellenti, vedasi Mickey Mouse & co.

            ... avrei quasi preferito "Michelino Topolino", una sorta di via di mezzo.  
            « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 14:11:47 da pacuvio »


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1475: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 14:20:18
              ... I would even prefer "Michelino Topolino", a sort of compromise. :P
              Argh! :-X


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                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1476: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 14:31:46
                Be', in TUTTI gli altri paesi il nome Mickey Mouse è tradotto con la dovuta fedeltà, tant'è che solo noi abbiamo avuto la pensata di diversificarci, al punto di arrivare a vantarci di questa unicità (vedi redazionale de I Mitici Disney)... e c'è poi da considerare l'incoerente e insensata scelta di non cambiare a quel punto il nome a Minni (meno male!), tranne che per la "e" finale... ::)

                (mi scoccia tradurre stavolta :P)

                Sorry for the big Off Topic. :)
                « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 14:36:39 da pacuvio »


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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1477: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 15:44:12
                  ... I would even prefer "Michelino Topolino", a sort of compromise. :P

                  ... avrei quasi preferito "Michelino Topolino", una sorta di via di mezzo.  
                  Why not "Topo Lino"?
                  --- Andrea


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1478: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 15:53:47
                    Why not "Topo Lino"?
                    Perchè non è affatto assonante con il nome Mickey, e visto che da noi esiste già un "Paolino Paperino", imho sarebbe andato bene (meglio di un "Topo Michele" o "Topo Lino", che ricordano sin troppo Topo Gigio :P), soltanto che in questo caso si sarebbe usato per lo più il primo nome, "Michelino".

                    Ma guarda che discorso assurdo che sta nascendo... ;D
                    « Ultima modifica: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 15:56:49 da pacuvio »


                    Pifferosauro Uranifago

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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1479: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 15:58:38
                      soltanto che in questo caso si sarebbe usato per lo più il primo nome, "Michelino".
                      ...sì, come quello di Gran Tassonia... che peraltro gli assomigliava moltissimo 8-)
                      Frank  (filologo disneyano)


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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1480: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 16:13:36
                        Perchè non è affatto assonante con il nome Mickey, e visto che da noi esiste già un "Paolino Paperino", imho sarebbe andato bene (meglio di un "Topo Michele" o "Topo Lino", che ricordano sin troppo Topo Gigio :P), soltanto che in questo caso si sarebbe usato per lo più il primo nome, "Michelino".
                        Vero... ma in quanto diminutivo di "Michelino", Lino ha il suo perché ::)
                        (concordo... discorso assurdo ;D)
                        --- Andrea



                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1481: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 16:19:36
                          Yes, but there are some excellent exceptions, like Mickey Mouse & co... ::)

                          ... I would even prefer "Michelino Topolino", a sort of compromise. :P

                          Sì, ma ci sono delle eccezioni eccellenti, vedasi Mickey Mouse & co.

                          ... avrei quasi preferito "Michelino Topolino", una sorta di via di mezzo.  

                          Non si tratta di un'eccezione. Un tempo gli italiani traducevano o adattavano tutte le parole straniere. Un po' come fanno ancor oggi francesi e spagnoli. E' solo negli ultimi 50 anni circa (direi) che presi da esterofilia galoppante - dovuta come sempre in questi casi ad auto-disprezzo - abbiamo preso sempre più a importare termini stranieri. Pensa ad es. al mouse del computer: in tutte le lingue è tradotto (topo) - solo in italiano rimane in inglese, perché ovviamente la parola "mouse" è intraducibile... ::)


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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1482: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 16:22:47
                            A few more:

                            >>>>>Have you ever think what happened to della duck? In fan fiction many people wrote about her too much!
                            Is maybe one of the character that you're not allowed to use?

                            I don't know if they'd allow me to use Della Duck (the Nephews' mother). I always had it in my notes to do a story about the Nephews' search for their parents because it was always the TOP request from fans. But I could never figure out how to do it. There could only be 4 possible endings:
                            1) They search and never find their parents -- pointless and sad.
                            2) They search and find that their parents are dead -- sad and pointless.
                            3) They find their parents and go to live with them, leaving Unca Donald --clearly unacceptable, and very very sad.
                            4) They find their parents and stay with Unca Donald -- illogical, probably illegal (lawsuits would ensue), and sad.

                            So I never even attempted to suggest the story to Egmont.
                            But I have *always* had an idea where their parents have been. I figured I'd make them naturalists and intrepid explorers, perhaps the Dad was a Junior Woodchucks leader, and that they have been lost in a Himalayan valley after leaving their triplets with Donald, supposedly for only a few weeks. I even included a sequence in a script I once wrote that indicated this, but we decided to leave that part out of the final story when I completed the art.

                            Speaking of characters I am not allowed to use, add Donald's mother Hortense. I wanted to use her in "A Letter from Home" to show that she has been living with Matilda in the family castle. But Egmont said that there is no explanation as to why she had not had contact with her son Donald all these years. Saying that she had been visiting Duckburg "in between" the stories that we read would be cheating, so I wouldn't claim that. Egmont said that they'd let me use her if I explained that she's been lost in something like The Phantom Zone (as in Superman comics), but I said that was too wacky and I wouldn't insult readers like that. So I had to delete her from the story.

                            In that same story I would also have liked to use Matilda's husband Ludwig Von Drake! I figure he lives in the castle with Matilda. But I tried to include him in my Duck Family Tree years ago, and Egmont refused to allow it -- some editor didn't like Ludwig for unknown reasons, and I had to omit him (though he's in MY personal version of the Tree). So, in "Letter from Home", I figure Ludwig is off on a lecture tour.

                            Anyway, Egmont regards Hortense McDuck, Ludwig Von Drake, Della Duck and Della's unknown husband all as "officially dead" and unuseable.

                            >>>>>Also, in fan fiction many people said that Dickie Duck (character created by Romano Scarpa as Goldie's grandchildren) was Scrooge's grandchildren too (to be precise: dickie would be daughter of Goldie-Scrooge's daughter!). This obviuosly fan fiction only, but I wanna know what you think about Dickie Duck (if you know her!).

                            Someone once showed me a picture of that character, probably when I was visiting Italia, and explained who she was said to be. Well, according to my personal view of Goldie and $crooge, and after my "Prisoner of White Agony Creek", I would be perfectly happy with a character being said to be Goldie's granddaughter. I would have preferred daughter, but no, that would mean she'd be nearly 60 years old even in my 1950's stories, so it's better to jump to granddaughter. (But I can't help but dislike the name -- I don't know about Italia, but here "Dickie" is a boy's name.)


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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1483: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 16:34:53
                              (But I can't help but dislike the name -- I don't know about Italia, but here "Dickie" is a boy's name.)

                              the italian name is Paperetta Ye Ye...that's more girly!

                              -Sex Drugs & Duck'n'Tales-


                              Don Rosa
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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1484: Venerdì 7 Ago 2009, 16:42:19

                                >>>>>I simply never thought about that. I mean, they have a life, they have a work and so on... but I never asked myself on if they were ducks or people. They are themselves.

                                Okay, I guess that's how I thought/think of them. But I regard them exactly as I regard the characters when reading other comics like, oh, Superman or whatever. And just as I am regarding the characters in a movie. I'm not constantly thinking "these are humans. These are humans". I'm just thinking, as you say, "They are themselves". However, since I equate them with how I regard those other characters, it is the equivalent to me of "They are humans", so I'm sure that's my subconcious sees them. Anyway, I *definitely* am not thinking of $crooge and Donald as I do of Daffy Duck.


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