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    Please, help me looking for a Disney character!
    Martedì 2 Ott 2007, 23:41:04
    [size=12]Hey! Dear Italian People!!!!!!!!

    First: I don't speak Italian. But I do need your help! My close Italian friend told me that as a kid he was in love with a Disney character, from the Italian version of Mickey Mouse comic book. The character was PINK and had an ATOM floating over his head. He didn't appear in many issues, just a few. This is all I know... and I want to give my friend a great present: a big picture of this pink thing with an atom. But I can't find it! I was googling various things for two days.... please, help me: WHAT WAS THE CHARACTER'S NAME? AND WHERE CAN I FIND A PICTURE OF THIS GUY? [/size][/size][/size]


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      Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
      Risposta #1: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 00:09:48

      His name is Atomino Bip- Bip.

      « Ultima modifica: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 00:13:55 da Samuele »

        Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
        Risposta #2: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 02:22:13
        Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how much this means to me. But I thought he was pink....  :)

          Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
          Risposta #3: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 08:15:13
          Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how much this means to me. But I thought he was pink....  :)
          Hallo, according to his creator, romano scarpa, atomino bip bip (his english name is Atomo Bleep-Bleep) was azure, but due to some inexplicable reasons (error by colourist?) apparead as a pink enlarged atom


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            Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
            Risposta #4: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 08:43:58
            But I thought he was pink....  :)
            In fact, accordingly to what piccolobush wrote, Atomino is pink in the third and fourth picture posted by Samuele.
            --- Andrea


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              Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
              Risposta #5: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 10:29:10
              due to some inexplicable reasons (error by colourist?) apparead as a pink enlarged atom

              Moreover, in a couple of stories he appeared as a *green* atom....

                - Paolo


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                Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                Risposta #6: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 10:58:10
                Moreover, in a couple of stories he appeared as a *green* atom....
                Well, quarks have different colours, so that it might be the same for atoms (a part from electrons, they are made of neutrons and protons, which are made of quarks) :)
                --- Andrea

                  Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                  Risposta #7: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 13:48:03
                  And I guess no one has a picture of Atomino being pink...  :'(

                  (Thanks again, guys, by the way!!)


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                    Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                    Risposta #8: Mercoledì 3 Ott 2007, 14:38:06
                    And I guess no one has a picture of Atomino being pink...  :'(
                    Do you mean "a part from the two ones (1 and 2) posted yesterday by Samuele"?
                    I don't know...
                    --- Andrea

                      Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                      Risposta #9: Mercoledì 10 Ott 2007, 09:36:42
                      et voilà!!!!!!!!!

                        Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                        Risposta #10: Mercoledì 10 Ott 2007, 09:38:26

                          Re: Please, help me looking for a Disney character
                          Risposta #11: Mercoledì 10 Ott 2007, 09:54:19


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