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Post - Eurasia

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Topolino / Re:Topolino Speciale Anteprime - 2024
« il: Oggi alle 16:27:20 »
@Eurasia, non è proprio la prima non scritta da Nucci per la serie di Hatequack.

Ricordo che dello stesso Gualtieri lo scorso anno venne pubblicata la storia di "Geoffrey e il mistero del mal di luna" con i disegni di Graziano Barbaro, facente parte di questo ciclo.

Oh, è vero.. Ho appena controllato di nuovo inducks, credo di non averlo notato :)

Topolino / Re:Topolino Speciale Anteprime - 2024
« il: Oggi alle 16:04:19 »
Editoriale, Sommario e Next di Topolino 3591
Torna Hatequack!!!!!! ;;D ;;D

La prima storia non scritta da Nucci nella serie, vediamo come sarà.

Questo è il teaser di Circus
Sembra interessante, Ma non poniamo le nostre aspettative troppo alte per ogni evenienza:)
I disegni sono di Mottura, chissà chi sarà lo sceneggiatore

Topolino / Re:Topolino Speciale Anteprime - 2024
« il: Oggi alle 13:47:32 »
premettendo che con l inglese non ho nessun problema ma, scusate, fa sorridere il consiglio al forum di usar l estensione per tradurre in inglese e non lo stesso consiglio all'utente per tradurre in italiano.

Yesh 😅
Just noticed...
But I think there's a little difference between using the keyboard translator and the automatic translation to the hole site

You know, maybe it's a good idea after all
Lo userò per un po' di tempo e vedrò

Topolino / Re:Topolino Speciale Anteprime - 2024
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 15:48:24 »
Non puoi scrivere tutto in italiano?

No. Because I just know few words, I thought about using the Google translate But it is not guaranteed.
Also, I thought that Google translate everything to you automatically as it do with me.
If it's annoying, I can start to use the solution I mentioned

Commenti sulle storie / Re:Zio Paperone e l'oro nero
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 15:34:43 »
Thanks for the insights!  :D
So both in Sudan and in Egypt (and in other Arab countries), it is used the same classical Arabic in books, songs, movies, comics...but at the same time an author might choose to use instead the dialect of his own country? There's any standard rule on this (I mean whether to choose one language or the other one) or it is only due to the personal choice of the author?

I will explain better
As I said, every Arabic country has it's own dialect that everyone in the country talk with it.
School books, newspapers and the news on TV are in classical Arabic, and you can use it to talk to someone from another country if you don't understand their dialect ( We can often understand other dialects easily, except for the Maghreb countries such as Algeria and Morocco ).
As for songs, books, magazines, movies It can be in the dialect or classical. ( For example, if someone decided to write a a novel, book or a song they are free to choose)
Our Mickey magazine in Egypt was for many years using the dialect, until some point when they started to use the classical.
That was in the old publishing house, the new one started with the classical directly.
So, It depends on the system followed in the magazine.

Commenti sulle storie / Re:Darkenblot - il futuro è già qui
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 14:33:33 »
I have, finally, read the rest of the famous Darkenblot trilogy yesterday ( I read the first one months ago and I don't remember anything about it, I should have reread it but I didn't)

I will just repeat what many others said
It may not be Casty's best story but it was very good and enjoyable for me
And the movie story.. it's just HILARIOUS! I understand now why it won the Topo oscar

By the way, I heard that Lorenzo Pastrovicchio is the who came with the Darkenblot idea and asked Casty for help ( or something like that )
Is it true?

Commenti sulle storie / Re:Zio Paperone e l'oro nero
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 14:22:12 »
Very interesting! So it means that a publisher was trying to start a local Disney comics production in Egypt? And the author Safwat Farid is famous for any other comics in Egypt beside this single Uncle Scrooge story?
The story was written for a competition, readers had to read the story and solve the questions, it was divided to 11 parts ( Each part consists of one page )
According to inducks the author drew just one other story in one page and some covers, but I don't know if he made something else outside Disney
But does that mean that you can't read the colloquial dialect or that simply you don't enjoy it?
Sorry for this dumb question, but I really don't have any clue on linguistic habits and varieties in Egypt  ;:)
It's not a dumb question, don't worry:)
I can read colloquial dialect ( it's how everyone one talk with each other in Egypt ) but I don't like it in books, songs, and movies.
Each Arabic country has it's own dialect, but I have always preferred the classical Arabic ( the common language between all Arab countries ) in the things I mentioned.

By the way, it's true that I do live in Egypt, but I'm not Egyptian.
Actually, I'm from Sudan:)

Commenti sugli autori / questo disegnatore è adatto per...
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 13:22:35 »
For example, Lorenzo Pastrovicchio's art is suitable for action stories ( like Darkenblot )
Enrico Faccini and Silvia Ziche are suitable for humour stories and so on

Who can continue?

Off Topic / Re:Buon compleanno 2024
« il: Domenica 15 Set 2024, 10:09:20 »
Auguri! 🎉

Le altre discussioni / Re:personaggio femminile preferito
« il: Sabato 14 Set 2024, 18:31:49 »
I never understood the appreciation of her. For my taste, she has a too weak and simple personality.

It's just a matter of taste, obviously. but I fell in love with her immediately:)

Le altre discussioni / Re:personaggio femminile preferito
« il: Sabato 14 Set 2024, 16:22:10 »
Days ago I was thinking about opening a topic with the same title.. Good thing I found this before I did:)

I think it's so obvious, from my nickname and profile picture, that I will choose Eurasia
brave, kind, strong, educated... very well characterized
And most of her stories are written by Casty.. what would I want more?  ;D
I just hope that other authors start to use her ( use her in a good way in good stories, of course )

Le altre discussioni / Preferisco Topolino!
« il: Sabato 14 Set 2024, 14:21:49 »
Most people ( and I was one of them ) like Donald more than Mickey.
Donald is more like us, Donald is funny, etc...
While Mickey is boring, Mickey is perfect, etc...

But.. I prefer Mickey!

In the beginning, I didn't like or hate Mickey's stories, sometimes they were good and often they were boring.
Then I learned how to search properly, and discovered that if I chose the right author, I would get a more than wonderful story.
Reading one "right" Mickey story after another, I started little by little to like him more than Donald!
I just have to avoid boring stories to remain so. ( Donald is still great, I won't deny that )

Is it possible to find someone who shares the same opinion?

Commenti sulle storie / Zio Paperone e l'oro nero
« il: Sabato 14 Set 2024, 03:32:40 »

Have you heard about it before? It's the only story that was written and illustrated in Egypt, and has not been published in any other country.

In this page you can find information about the story (written in Arabic, but you can use the automatic translator to read it ) there is also a link to a pdf version, since the story is from the old publishing house and the only place to find it's issues is flea market

Ps: I haven't read it  :-) Because it''s written in Egyptian colloquial dialect, and I prefer classical Arabic.

Topolino / Re:Topolino Speciale Anteprime - 2024
« il: Venerdì 13 Set 2024, 17:40:30 »
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=914606354044309&set=pcb.914606764044268 dal facebook del Papersera

Oooh! L'ora del terrore! I like this series! There is also  a possibility that it will be the new chapter of the "Macchia nera reboot"
Finally one of the things I was waiting for is coming!

Off Topic / Re:Buon compleanno 2024
« il: Giovedì 12 Set 2024, 15:43:35 »
Buon compleanno  :gift:

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