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Post - Phantom Duck

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Le altre discussioni / Re: Topolino chiude in Grecia
« il: Venerdì 6 Set 2013, 14:16:19 »
Pacuvio, you got some nice issues. Those are summer publications, collecting big stories in 1 or 2 volumes. "Mickey Strip" by Romano Scarpa was pretty good. It was among the best for this year, along with "Paperinik - The beginning" and 2 volumes of Topo Oscar.

The Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine is reissue with worst paper and size, but smaller price as well (1,8€). The first edition came out at 2002, so fortunatelly we can get the whole story. Here is a comparison picture of your edition, along with the old one and a PK Pikappa (Italian).

Le altre discussioni / Re: Topolino chiude in Grecia
« il: Venerdì 6 Set 2013, 13:25:24 »
Hello, I am a Greek Disney comics reader. Even though I know papersera a long time, I just registered. I apologise for writing in English, but writing in Italian with a translator would not have good results.

I have written an article in DCF explaining the situation for anyone interested on the news. Long story short, the "Greek Topolino" along with the other comic magazines are closing. "[ch924][ch921][ch922][ch933] [ch924][ch913][ch927][ch933][ch931]" is pronounced as the english "Mickey Mouse" and it was the equivalent of "Topolino" in Greece. One of the few weekly comic magazines worldwide, with 100 pages for 1,5€.

The last few years, it featured exclusivelly Italian stories, such as Double Duck, Wizards of Mickey, Paperino Paperotto, and recent stories from creators such as Stefano Turconi, Andrea Freccero, Paolo Mottura, Giorgio Cavazzano, Casty, Lorenzo Pastrovicchio, etc.

It's a shame that is closing now, especially when [ch922][ch927][ch924][ch921][ch926] / KOMIX (another Greek magazine following Walt Disney's Comics & Stories format) announced masterpieces such as "Segreto dei Mousestone, surreale viaggio nel destino, Fantômius a bordo, Dottor Tick-Tock & Moby Dick". One month ago we were eagerly awaiting for those stories, and now we don't know if we will ever have the chance even to just take a look at them.

[ch924][ch921][ch922][ch933] [ch924][ch913][ch927][ch933][ch931] stopped 40 issues before 2.500, it's a real shame.  :-/  . I hope someday, someone will continue those magazines. I also hope that the Italians never stop creating great stories. You are the country with the biggest Disney comic production, I hope Topolino will celebrate another 3.000 issues.

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