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Don Rosa

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    Re: Don Rosa
    Risposta #1350: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 00:03:07
    Approfitto della presenza del grandissimo Don Rosa per esprimere tutta la mia sconfinata ammirazione per le sue meravigliose storie.
    Io mastico pochissimo l'inglese e cerco di dirglielo con semplici parole.

    Dear Don, welcome.
    I like very much your comic strips.
    My favourite story is the wonderful "The life and times of Scrooge McDuck".
    You are a genius.
    Many thanks by your fan


    Brigitta MacBridge
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      Re: Don Rosa
      Risposta #1351: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 13:27:24
      Hi Don, first of all welcome!

      >>>>>Referring to the non-utilization of Duckburg characters that were not created by Carl Barks... I don't remember any great discussion about that, honestly; if you would like to explain more on this (or even different ones) topic, feel free to do it
      Some readers tend to think that you are too "strict" in basing you stories on "Barks facts" only, which prevents you from using characters which did not appear in his stories (eg Fethry, or Brigitta - a character I love very much, as you can guess by my nickname). Of course, it's your choice... but when a reader loves a character and an author, they would be happy if that author wrote something with that character, don't you think? ;)

      However, I'm particularly eager to better understand what you mean when you write:
      So... I'll see what happens, and next time I'll address that business about what characters I am *allowed* to use.
      What do you mean, "allowed" to use? Have you been forbidden to use certain characters? This is EXTREMELY interesting to me.

      As many readers know, in order that my stories agree completely with the stories written and drawn by Carl Barks that I grew up with, I set my stories in the 1950's -- after all, there's no way that $crooge could do everything that Barks' stories said he did in the years Barks said he did them and still be alive today. He'd be close to 150 years old!
      Regarding the fact that your stories are set during the '50s, I see your point... nonetheless, I have always loved to think that Disney stories are something "out of time", where authors are allowed to put time references (or, better even, to avoid them) without being extremely careful (of course, absurdities are not allowed, but with a certain "flexibility"). When I was a child and read "Back to Klondike" I thought it was set in my time (the 70s). As a child, I did not have the historical "awareness" to realize that it would imply Uncle Scrooge being more than 100 year old; but even later, when I grew and realized that, it was never a problem for me to imagine that the same duck that had been in the gold rush in the 19th century could be running business with, let's say, computers, or similar "modern things". So I tend to like stories that have this "inconsistent", "light-minded" attitude rather than restricting the stories to a specific time period. It's probably something similar to the "magic and immortal spirit of Disney who is above the cruel reality where characters grows old and die" Vito told about.

      But rather than go into that, let me stop here for now. I mean, how will the above English message be shown to the forum members who don't speak English? I know using Babel Fish is hopeless! And I know that it's quite a chore to translate a text from one language to another -- much more difficult than "simply" reading or speaking another language. Translating is work. So I don't know why anyone would want to do that for me here.

      For YOU, I'm sure there will always be someone ready to do it! ZioPaperone already claimed the job, he would be disappointed if you didn't write many more messages for him to translate ;)

      [size=9](... and WE would be disappointed too, of course)[/size]

      And lastly, I definitively want to know your opinion about LPSO's "sequel" to the "Scrooge's Tombstone" image... when he first posted it, I bet you would have liked it: please don't make me wrong ;)
      (Uncle Scrooge's line in the image is "Hello, what did I miss?")
      « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 13:34:03 da Brigitta_McBridge »
      I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

      "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi



        Re: Don Rosa
        Risposta #1352: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 16:29:28
        For YOU, I'm sure there will always be someone ready to do it! ZioPaperone already claimed the job, he would be disappointed if you didn't write many more messages for him to translate ;)
        ;D Ha ha funny!
        Actually I didn't claim the job, someone (Pacuvio) asked me to take it on... :P

        PS I compliment you on your wonderful English!


        Don Rosa
        Gran Mogol

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          Re: Don Rosa
          Risposta #1353: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 17:18:38
          Just wanted to assure you that I'm still here and I'll be back. But long message writing sessions in fine print is tough on my failing/failed eyesight, so I need to pace myself. Stand by. Grazie.



            Re: Don Rosa
            Risposta #1354: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:14:16
            Pensando di far cosa gradita a chi è digiuno di inglese (e anche per non smentire la cara...snarfl... Brigitta), traduco.

            Don Rosa ha scritto:

            Volevo solo assicurarvi che sono ancora qui e che tornerò. Ma lunghe sessioni di scrittura messaggi in caratteri minuti sono dure per la mia vista in declino (anzi che è già declinata), perciò devo segnare il passo. Restate in attesa. Grazie
            « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:18:29 da ZioPaperone »


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              Re: Don Rosa
              Risposta #1355: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:17:32
              Nel tempo dell'inganno universale dire la verità è un atto rivoluzionario (G. Orwell)



                Re: Don Rosa
                Risposta #1356: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:19:56

                lapsus freudiano??? :P

                Sì sì! ;D
                L'ho corretto, ma ero tentato di lasciarlo... ;)


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                  Re: Don Rosa
                  Risposta #1357: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:20:30
                  Don Rosa, ti piace PKNA?


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                    Re: Don Rosa
                    Risposta #1358: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:27:10
                    ... e Paperino Paperotto (Donald Duckling)? :P ::)
                    « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:29:05 da pacuvio »


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                      Re: Don Rosa
                      Risposta #1359: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 18:56:43
                      As many readers know, in order that my stories agree completely with the stories written and drawn by Carl Barks that I grew up with, I set my stories in the 1950's -- after all, there's no way that $crooge could do everything that Barks' stories said he did in the years Barks said he did them and still be alive today. He'd be close to 150 years old!
                      It's sure he'd be close to 150. Anyway, I've always thought Disney characters have "no age", so that they can easily vary and be fitted among different historical background (like the end of the XIX century, the beginning of the XXI century and even later).
                      As it frequently happens in Italian stories (especially in those written by Rodolfo Cimino), leaving out definite dates is enough to avoid such impossible situations; instead of saying "in 1885 I...", it's so easy to say "in my time I..."; so that no one will be shocked.
                      You've chosen to set your stories in a determinate period of time. Personally this didn't troubled me: this (together with the multitude of references or quotations your stories are filled of) helps in recreating a truthfully atmosphere in your stories -I've always liked this peculiarity of your stories-, but above all I can't see Disney universe in a different way from the one Vito talked about, with the magic and immortal spirit of Disney who is above the cruel reality where characters grows old and die.

                      Ovvio che dovrebbe avere quasi 150 anni. Ad ogni modo, ho sempre immaginato i personaggi Disney come "senza età", e perciò facilmente adattabili a diversi contesti storici (come la fine del XIX secolo, l'inizio del XXI secolo e anche oltre).
                      Come spesso succede nelle storie italiane (soprattutto quelle di Rodolfo Cimino), basta omettere le date precise per non creare questi situazioni impossibili; invece di dire "nel 1885 io..." , basta dire "ai miei tempi, io..."; in questo modo nessuno si scandalizzerebbe.
                      Hai scelto di ambientare le storie in un periodo di tempo ben definito. Personalmente la cosa non mi disturba: ciò (insieme alla miriade di riferimenti e citazioni di ogni tipo di cui le tue storie sono piene) contribuisce a creare un'atmosfera di veridicità nelle storie -questa caratteristica delle tue storie mi è sempre piaciuta- ma alla fine non riesco a non vedere il mondo Disney diversamente da come lo descrive Vito, con il magico e immortale spirito Disney che si trova al di sopra della crudele realtà in cui i personaggi invecchiano e muoiono.

                      According to the translation gibberish from Babel Fish, that seemed to be the topic of some messages I found this morning that were from a month or two ago. I could easily (!) be wrong.
                      Of course I could be wrong, too! ::)
                      And like Brigitta, I'd like to know more on this aspect:
                      and next time I'll address that business about what characters I am *allowed* to use.

                      But rather than go into that, let me stop here for now. I mean, how will the above English message be shown to the forum members who don't speak English? I know using Babel Fish is hopeless! And I know that it's quite a chore to translate a text from one language to another -- much more difficult than "simply" reading or speaking another language. Translating is work. So I don't know why anyone would want to do that for me here.
                      For YOU, I'm sure there will always be someone ready to do it! ZioPaperone already claimed the job, he would be disappointed if you didn't write many more messages for him to translate ;)

                      [size=9](... and WE would be disappointed too, of course)[/size]
                      Of course, you can rely on it! I can translate something, too, if it's necessary. Don't worry about that. :)

                      P.S. I've not thanked you for all the beautiful masterpieces you wrote and drew, yet. I do it now.

                      Ho tradotto solo quello che in fondo è il succo del mio post. Se qualcuno ne avrà bisogno posso tradurre anche le altre tre/quattro frasi.
                      « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 20:14:57 da Paperinika »



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                        Re: Don Rosa
                        Risposta #1360: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 21:05:08
                        Allora l'utente Don Rosa è veramente lui e non un niubbo :o, allora in tutto il mio limitato inglese: WELCOME MR. ROSA!
                        « Ultima modifica: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 21:06:40 da eric »
                        Di rovente aspirazione ed ambizione.


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                          Re: Don Rosa
                          Risposta #1361: Lunedì 3 Ago 2009, 21:34:11
                          io gli avevo già fatto gli auguri in precedenza,ma ora che c'è la certezza ripeto
                          hello Don Rosa
                          did you look the D.U.C.K. projet


                          Brigitta MacBridge
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                            Re: Don Rosa
                            Risposta #1362: Martedì 4 Ago 2009, 10:50:47
                            Just wanted to assure you that I'm still here and I'll be back. But long message writing sessions in fine print is tough on my failing/failed eyesight, so I need to pace myself. Stand by. Grazie.
                            I'm very, very sorry about your sight problem. I read about it and the fact that it will most probably mean you will no longer make any more stories :(
                            A question that immediately arose in this group, as soon as these sad news were told, is: would you consider just writing new stories and having other artists draw them? Is there any particular artist you would like, or that in your opinion would be suitable for such a job? Thanks in advance.

                            Mi dispiace veramente molto per il tuo problema alla vista. Ho letto notizie su di esso e sul fatto che con buona probabilità questo significa che non farai più storie.
                            Un domanda che è immediatamente sorta in questo gruppo, non appena queste tristi notizie si sono sapute, è: prenderesti in considerazione l'ipotesi di scrivere soltanto le storie, facendole disegnare da altri artisti? C'è qualche artista in particolare che ti piacerebbe, o che pensi sarebbe adatto al lavoro?
                            « Ultima modifica: Martedì 4 Ago 2009, 10:51:44 da Brigitta_McBridge »
                            I miei teSSSSori: http://tinyurl.com/a3ybupd

                            "You must be the change you want to see in the world" -- Gandhi


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                              Re: Don Rosa
                              Risposta #1363: Martedì 4 Ago 2009, 11:02:49
                              My fingers are shaking while I'm writing this welcome. Dear Don, having you here, on this forum, is the most amazing thing that could happen to a big fan of Scrooge as I am, and as a lot of us are.

                              I already wrote an e-mail to you. I don't know if you remember it, among the thousands of letters you receive. It said: "I'm glad that such an artist as you are have italian origins, because it's clear that we dont' produce only bad things, like Mafia". You answerred: "And we don't produce only bad things, like George Bush."

                              Now there's Obama at the Withe House, and there's Don Rosa at the Papersera. Two reasons to be incredibly happy.

                              And that's exactly how I'm feeling: happy. Happy to (virtually) shake the hand to someone who gave me the graeat gift of so many emotions and wonderful moments of reading. Again, WELCOME here, Dear Don. I hope you'll stay for more than a while.
                              « Ultima modifica: Martedì 4 Ago 2009, 11:04:26 da Marco.313 »
                              "Sarò tanto di quel che sono, sono tanto di quel che ero" (Nostal Gino)


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                                Re: Don Rosa
                                Risposta #1364: Martedì 4 Ago 2009, 13:03:44
                                In quel poco che so di Inglese: Welcome in the Papersera, dear Mr. Rosa! :)
                                Io sono un peccatore... Ma intorno a me non vedo santi!;-)


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