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Richiesta d'aiuto #00024

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    Richiesta d'aiuto #00024
    Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 11:55:18
    Qualcuno potrebbe perfavore recuperarmi il testo in italiano o anche in inglese della canzone di Panchito all' House of Mouse?!

    Mille Grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


    Uomo Nuvola

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      Re: Richiesta d'aiuto #00024
      Risposta #1: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 13:54:00
      "My Name is Panchito"
      Donald: My name is Donald Duck
      Jose: My name is Jose Carioca
      Panchito: And my name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez!
      Donald: How do you say that again?
      Jose: And how did you get such a long name?

      My name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
      My mother Maria was born in Bahia
      The daughter of gandma Morales
      His name was Jose and then one day
      He met my grandma you see
      Her name was Sofia and she had Maria
      Maria then later had me

      My great aunt Michelle had a sister Raquel
      Who's maiden name used to be Alice
      She was growing up, too, in Lima, Peru
      and married Roberto Gonzalez
      Well, he had Raquel, they had Miguel
      Who grew up in Ecuador, see
      Then he moved to Bahia and married Maria
      And he and Maria had me

      Ay, yi, yi, yi
      He's Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Gonzalez
      Why, why, oh ,why
      Jose: You have a first name, they're really too long
      Panchito: I'll try to explain so follow along

      My father and mother, they married eachother
      The best man was called Romero
      The minister came and went by the name
      of Father Francisco Quintero
      It turns out my mother, her favorite brother
      was called Junipero, you see
      So my father and mother, the priest and the brother
      are names that were given to me

      Jose: So he's Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
      You say that from coming Mexico, Chile, Brazil and they come from Dallas
      And when I go out and people all shout
      Who can that possibly be?
      Well Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
      That's me!

      « Ultima modifica: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 13:54:23 da iuventuri »

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        Re: Richiesta d'aiuto #00024
        Risposta #2: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 15:05:52
        Infinite grazie Malachia!!!!!!!!!! :)
        Ma... Cosa s'intende per
        The best man was called Romero


        Dittatore di Saturno

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          Re: Richiesta d'aiuto #00024
          Risposta #3: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 15:46:34
          "My Name is Panchito"
          Donald: My name is Donald Duck
          Jose: My name is Jose Carioca
          Panchito: And my name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez!
          Donald: How do you say that again?
          Jose: And how did you get such a long name?

          My name is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
          My mother Maria was born in Bahia
          The daughter of gandma Morales
          His name was Jose and then one day
          He met my grandma you see
          Her name was Sofia and she had Maria
          Maria then later had me

          My great aunt Michelle had a sister Raquel
          Who's maiden name used to be Alice
          She was growing up, too, in Lima, Peru
          and married Roberto Gonzalez
          Well, he had Raquel, they had Miguel
          Who grew up in Ecuador, see
          Then he moved to Bahia and married Maria
          And he and Maria had me

          Ay, yi, yi, yi
          He's Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Gonzalez
          Why, why, oh ,why
          Jose: You have a first name, they're really too long
          Panchito: I'll try to explain so follow along

          My father and mother, they married eachother
          The best man was called Romero
          The minister came and went by the name
          of Father Francisco Quintero
          It turns out my mother, her favorite brother
          was called Junipero, you see
          So my father and mother, the priest and the brother
          are names that were given to me

          Jose: So he's Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
          You say that from coming Mexico, Chile, Brazil and they come from Dallas
          And when I go out and people all shout
          Who can that possibly be?
          Well Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez
          That's me!

          Una curiosità: la ricordi a memoria o esiste un libro o un sito da cui attingere?  In quest'ultimo caso, segnala, perchè mi interessa non poco!


          Uomo Nuvola

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            Re: Richiesta d'aiuto #00024
            Risposta #4: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 15:56:30
            parole... ;)

            Una curiosità: la ricordi a memoria?
            Magari! ;D (Significherebbe avere riserve di fosforo non indifferenti! ;D)
            « Ultima modifica: Domenica 2 Ago 2009, 15:58:22 da iuventuri »


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